Specific epithet of rubrum meaning red is everywhere in evidence: red flowers in dense clusters in late March to early April (before the leaves appear), red fruit (initially reddish, two-winged samara), reddish stems and twigs, red buds, and, in the fall, excellent orange-red foliage color. Genus name is the Latin name for a maple tree. Flowers on a given tree are primarily male or female or monoecious and appear in late winter to early spring (March-April) before the leaves.

Leaves are medium to dark green above and gray green below. Lobes have toothed margins and pointed tips. Leaves (to 2-5" long) have 3 principal triangular lobes (sometimes 5 lobes with the two lower lobes being largely suppressed). Quality of red fall color on species plants is variable. Emerging new growth leaves, leafstalks, twigs, flowers, fruit and fall color are red or tinged with red. In northern states, red maple usually occurs in wet bottomland, river flood plains and wet woods, but in Missouri it typically frequents drier, rocky upland areas. It grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple.

It typically grows 40-60’ tall with a rounded to oval crown. Fall color can be good in some years under optimum environmental conditions, but more often than not is an inferior yellowish orange.Acer rubrum, commonly called red maple, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree that is native to Eastern North America from Quebec to Minnesota south to Florida and eastern Texas. Winter buds, clusters of small winter spring flowers, leaf stems, twigs, and winged summer fruits are all reddish colored. Leaves resemble those of its silver maple parent and are 3-6" across. Acer rubrum Common name: Red Maple Swamp Maple Scarlet Maple Pronunciation: A-ser RU-brum Family: Aceraceae Genus: Acer Type: Broadleaf Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No Broadleaf deciduous tree, 60-75 (100) ft 18-23 (30) m, develops ascending branches, irregular, ovoid or rounded crown. Red Sunset Maple Acer rubrum ‘Franksred’ Red Sunset is a red maple cultivar with superior fall color and good branch structure. 'Armstrong' will typically grow 40-60' (sometimes 70') tall with a very narrow, fastigiate (branches erect) form. Specific epithet and common name honors Oliver Freeman who first grew A.
It is sometimes difficult to identify a Freeman hybrid because of the complexity of crosses and backcrosses that may occur.Ĭultivars are sometimes listed for sale by nurseries under Acer rubrum instead of Acer × freemanii. Native Americans used red maple bark as an analgesic, a wash for swollen eyes and cataracts, and as a remedy for hives and muscular aches. Notwithstanding the foregoing, crosses between red and silver maples occur not only by controlled propagation but also naturally in the wild. This tree has long been valued as an ornamental tree because of its ease of establishment, rapid growth, brightly coloured flowers and fruit, and fall leaf colours. Edward Murray named this hybrid cross in 1969 in honor of Oliver M. Freeman of the National Arboretum made the first controlled crosses between red maple and silver maple in 1933. Acer Rubrum is a deciduous Tree growing to 30 m (98ft 5in) at a fast rate. The Freeman maple cultivars commonly sold in commerce today reportedly combine some of the best features of both parents, namely, solid structure, attractive form and showy fall color (from red maple) and adaptability and rapid growth (from silver maple).

Acer × freemanii, commonly called Freeman maple, is a hybrid of red maple ( A.